Per Tejs Knudsen

All articles by 
Per Tejs Knudsen
New federal heat pump grant system approves 930 applications in minutes
Ankündigung des Unternehmens
cBrain reports EBT of 32% and raises payout ratio to 20%
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cBrain intends to take lead in COTS for government industry
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New Danish Ministry implements F2
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cBrain raises expected 2024 EBT margin to 30-32%
AI applications in government: Speeding up permit approvals
cBrain Wins the ESG Transparency Award 2024
cBrain to Support Extended Producer Responsibility in Thailand
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Elm and cBrain partner to Accelerate Government Digital Transformation in the region
Scaling Climate Software Solutions in California
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cBrain executes growth plan, remaining on target
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cBrain lowers expected yearly revenue growth to 10-15%, but maintains EBT margin of 24-30%
Use cases for AI in government: Accelerating permitting processes
cBrain implements F2 for two new Danish ministries in just 3 weeks
AI for Environmental Permitting
cBrain continues to win market shares in Denmark
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On track with Growth Plan
cBrain Signs Contract on Ambitious AI Transformation Project in the UAE
cBrain Signs Proof of Concept in Nigeria
cBrain wins the Tax Governance Top Rating 2024 for mid cap companies
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cBrain takes lead within AI for government
cBrain Delivers Digital Solution to Certify Responsible Cannabis Production in California
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cBrain releases first F2 standard module for government AI
cBrain partner to deliver first F2 based government solution in Ghana
cBrain Kodumburar India signs memorandum of understanding with state Tamil Nadu and Union Territory of Puducherry
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cBrain guides continued growth and solid earnings in 2024 and suggests a dividend raise by 33%
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In 2023 cBrain grew revenue by 27% and delivered record high earnings before tax margin (EBT margin) of 34%
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cBrain and the German-Danish Chamber of Commerce have taken initiative to reuse Danish e-government experiences in Germany
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cBrain beats expectations on top and bottom lines as subscription revenue jumps
How to unlock the potential of context-specific AI by leveraging a sandbox approach
cBrain has won a new long-term contract with the Danish Ministry of Finance
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The Tree Crop Development Authority in Ghana and cBrain Sign MoU for a 6-year Project
cBrain joins the OMX Copenhagen Benchmark Index
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cBrain is well on track with the 2023-2025 growth plan
cBrain has established cBrain India, a joint venture subsidiary in Tamil Nadu, India
Ankündigung des Unternehmens
cBrain reports all-time high revenue growth of 39% and earnings before tax (EBT) of 35%
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Two more Danish public organizations join the F2 user group
cBrain announces AI for Government Initiative
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cBrain upgrades 2023 financial guidance
cBrain to test F2 Climate Software with the Kenyan National Environmental Management Authority (NEMA)
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cBrain has entered into a partnership and won first order in Romania
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cBrain enters into agreement with the Danish Agency for Labour Market and Recruitment
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cBrain is to supply F2 for management services in Aarhus Municipality
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cBrain has taken an important step in its growth journey and releases F2 Service Builder
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cBrain enters into agreement with the Ministry of Interior and Health
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cBrain expects to release first version of F2 Service Builder before the summer holidays
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cBrain enters into important agreement in Germany
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cBrain has successfully initiated the next steps of the international growth plan
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cBrain has entered into an agreement in Ukraine with the purpose of supporting the reconstruction of the municipal infrastructure in Makariv
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cBrain has established a joint venture in Ghana
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cBrain to supply solutions for energy schemes at the Danish Energy Agency
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cBrain makes upward adjustment of earnings before taxes (EBT)
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cBrain welcomes agreement with the Danish Immigration Service
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The City of Copenhagen chooses cBrain F2 as the new grant management system in the Culture and Leisure Administration
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New strategic initiatives mean that cBrain specifies and adjusts its expectations