Enabling mobility and efficiency in government work
The ministries were looking to enable mobility in working as a major force in changing the way ministerial departments and local governments are using technology. Mobility optimizes processes, facilitates access wherever, and ultimately frees up time for the mobilized workforce to core activities or new ones. Further, they saw great opportunities in streamlining workflows and reducing paper-based work by moving to a more mobile and digitally efficient way of working.
F2 Manager is a main driver in work-mobility for public entities. F2 Manager is highly effective within the roam of mobile workplaces. With the help of F2 Manager, a secure app for iPad, the Head of Departments, Executives, Council Members, Members of Parliament and Ministers can assess, comment, reject and approve cases.
Further, F2 Manager facilitates access to meeting documents and proceedings on iPad. With this solution, the Minister or Council members reduce their use of paper as well as access all available information about different issues, as F2 Manager fully integrates with the F2 Office Suite. This allows the work of the Minister or Council to facilitate everything regarding meetings on their iPads through easy access to historical meeting documents, personal annotations/comments, integrated chat features, supporting online debate among members as well as a voting feature, permitting on-the-go votes on documents or agendas.