Danish Environmental Protection Agency

Grant management for lake and stream restoration

The Danish Environmental Protection Agency implemented a digital solution based on cBrain’s configurable Commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) platform for government, to streamline grant management and ensure effective allocation of funds for subsidizing projects aimed at improving the ecological status of lakes and streams.
Key statistics
river and stream restoration projects undertaken in Denmark
million DKK allocated for restoration projects in 2024
months from project initiation to operational readiness
Die Herausforderung

Ensuring effective grant management for lake and stream restoration

Denmark, like all EU countries, is required to maintain good qualitative and quantitative status for its water bodies under the EU Water Framework Directive. To support this effort, the Danish Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) subsidizes municipal projects aimed at improving the ecological status of lakes and streams. These projects focus on restoring fish passage, improving spawning conditions, and protecting aquatic flora.

Denmark’s water restoration efforts depend on municipalities applying for subsidies to implement projects aligned with national water plans. The challenge was to create a system that could efficiently screen applications, prioritize projects based on cost-effectiveness, and ensure compliance with environmental goals under the EU Water Framework Directive.

Managing applications manually risked inefficiencies, inconsistencies, and delays in fund distribution, making it crucial to adopt a structured and accountable approach to close the time gap from political decision to execution.

Die Lösung

A transparent and accountable grant management platform

To streamline grant management and ensure effective allocation of funds, the Danish Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) implemented a digital solution based on cBrain’s configurable Commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) platform for government, F2. This solution streamlines application processing, ensures compliance with national water plans, and enhances accountability in subsidy distribution.

The solution processes applications through a self-service portal, verifies project eligibility, and prioritizes applications based on predefined criteria. The streamlined off-the-shelf approval workflows ensures consistent decision-making while reducing manual administrative tasks.

The solution’s adaptability allows for yearly adjustments to funding calls, improving flexibility while maintaining compliance.

Das Ergebnis

Improved grant processing and environmental oversight

The implementation of the solution has standardized case processing across various grant schemes, ensuring consistent evaluation, faster approvals and ensuring funds are allocated to projects that maximize ecological impact and align with national water management strategies.

By streamlining the digital grant lifecycle from application to project completion, the Danish EPA has enhanced efficiency, transparency, and ecological impact in Denmark’s water restoration initiatives.

By leveraging COTS software for government, F2 ensured fast deployment, high configurability, and seamless integration with national environmental regulations.

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