F2 Digital Platform with F2 Manager
The Digital and Virtual Meeting Companion
F2 Manager
Mobility is a major force in changing the way Ministerial departments and local governments are using technology. Mobility optimizes processes, facilitates access wherever, and ultimately frees up time for the mobilized workforce to core activities or new ones. F2 Manager is a main driver in work-mobility for public entities.
F2 Manager is highly effective within the roam of mobile workplaces. With the help of F2 Manager, a secure app for iPad, the Head of Departments, Executives, Council Members, Members of Parliament and Ministers can assess, comment, reject and approve cases.
““Now I can turn my waiting or transportation time into productive time,” says Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Transportation. “I can take out my iPad and it’s already updated. And I can do it in my car while my wife is driving, on the train or at the airport. “ ”
Further, F2 Manager facilitates access to meeting documents and proceedings on iPad. With this solution, the Minister or Council members reduce their use of paper as well as access all available information about different issues, as F2 Manager fully integrates with the F2 Office Suite. This allows the work of the Minister or Council to facilitate everything regarding meetings on their iPads through easy access to historical meeting documents, personal annotations/comments, integrated chat features, supporting online debate among members as well as a voting feature, permitting on-the-go votes on documents or agendas.
Mobile Workspace
Public entities, both departments and municipalities, sought to modernize workflows and bring Ministerial and Council work into digital age. Using cBrain’s main software, the F2 Digital Platform, they succeeded in reducing the number of e-mails while creating a more transparent and digital decision-making process and reduce the total paper consumption, so that employees could collaborate more effectively to support the Department's objectives. F2 digital Platform allows for a shared platform to work on for all members of a department or entity, thereby avoiding knowledge silos and data deduplication as all have access to all data at all times. F2 Digital Platform likewise allows employees access to current data at all times, as employees work on the same document on the F2 platform rather than sending updated versions around via email.
The Ministry of Transport, the Ministry of Climate and Energy and the Municipality of Gentofte are a few examples of public entities who decided to use F2 Digital Platform and F2 Manager to change their workflows. F2 Digital Platform and F2 Manager together facilitate a complete digital executive working environment. From case management, collaboration, knowledge sharing, document management, archiving and data management to decision making and voting, everything is manageable. With this solution, a Minister, Council member or Executive board member can now work and take collective decisions digital and remote for that matter. The F2 Manager completely reduces the use of paper documents, as well as allows all users to access all information about different cases from the same integrated data repository.
F2 Manager fully integrates with the F2 Archive and all data can be found it its latest version as well as you can track who last saw the document or who is working on it. F2 Manager differs from other meeting-facilitators because of an advanced security model that supports the high security requirements of public authorities, as the F2 Manager does not require the storage of documents in the cloud, because it assess all information through F2. All data congregated on the F2 platform is therefore accessible through the integrated app, F2 Manager.
F2 Digital Platform and F2 Manager have improved productivity in the Danish Ministries through coherent work processes that support the way they used to work – but now digitally – with up to 10 percent more efficiency and up to 30 percent cost reduction of some work processes. Jacob Heinsen, Permenanet Secretary, states: “With F2 we have also increased our transparency. Officials can track the progress of documents in real time, right up to the head of department and the minister and back again. For the employees, this also means that they can keep track of how productive their boss is".
At the Danish Ministry of Climate, Energy and Building, the implantation of F2 Manager has led to more efficient case management, and at The Office for Case Management, it is estimated that the iPad-enabling has meant a 70% reduction in time spent on the tasks needed after the approval processes in top management.
At the Danish Ministry of Social Affairs, Children and Integration, the management meetings on director level are now totally without printed documents. All documents from the cBrain F2 Case Management Software needed for the management meetings are accessed from the directors’ iPad by cBrain F2 Manager.
Mr. Jesper Brask Fischer is Deputy Permanent Secretary at the Ministry of Social Affairs, Children and Integration making him responsible for the day to day management, strategy and international relations:
““Time is saved. The academic staff prepares the items for the agenda and delivers all material to my iPad through F2 Manager. I can work everywhere and immediately be able to find historic documents, whenever a check-up is needed.””