News from cBrain
cBrain (NASDAQ: CBRAIN) reports revenue grew by +12% to DKK 268m in 2024, up from DKK 239m in 2023, aligning with the expected revenue growth range of 12-13%…
cBrain (NASDAQ: CBRAIN) revenue grew by +12% to DKK 268m in 2024, up from DKK 239m in 2023. Earnings before tax (EBT) grew to DKK 86m in 2024, up from DKK 81m in 2023, thereby reaching an EBT margin of 32%…
All 3 new ministries have thereby chosen F2 as their digital platform. The projects support cBrain’s position as leading provider of digital government solution …
For the year 2024, cBrain (NASDAQ: CBRAIN) has forecasted revenue growth of 10-15% and earnings before tax (EBT) of 24-30%.
Revenue growth is now narrowed from 10-15% to 12-13%, aligning with the middle of the previous range. In parallel cBrain raises expected EBT from 24-30% to 30-32%. The expected revenue growth is in line with the three-year growth plan, while earnings exceed expectations…