cBrain Signs Proof of Concept in Nigeria

cBrain has signed an agreement with the Ministry of Innovation, Science and Technology in Nigeria to deliver a Proof of Concept project.

cBrain (NASDAQ: CBRAIN) has signed an agreement with the Ministry of Innovation, Science and Technology in Nigeria to deliver a Proof of Concept (PoC) project.  

The purpose of the PoC project is to deliver an F2-based solution, which demonstrates secure and transparent government procurement processes from planning and approval to filing and auditing, across multiple government agencies. Government contracts involve sensitive information, and using F2 for digitizing processes offers an effective approach to support transparent, efficient, and secure government procurement.  

The F2 platform represents a new generation of Commercial-off-the-Shelf (COTS) products, complete, fully integrated, and built for government. Out-of-the-box, F2 offers all the necessary functionality, fully integrated and ready-to-run, needed to support government work. This includes communication, case processing, and compliance, as well as process support. Furthermore, all functions can be easily adapted for individual government entities using built-in configuration tools.

In contrast to traditional large IT projects, leveraging standard software offers governments a fast track to digital transformation at scale. The PoC project in Nigeria exemplifies how cBrain, by using the F2 COTS product, can deliver functional solutions at high speed and quality.

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cBrain (NASDAQ: CBRAIN) has signed an agreement with the Ministry of Innovation, Science and Technology in Nigeria to deliver a Proof of Concept (PoC) project.  

The purpose of the PoC project is to deliver an F2-based solution, which demonstrates secure and transparent government procurement processes from planning and approval to filing and auditing, across multiple government agencies. Government contracts involve sensitive information, and using F2 for digitizing processes offers an effective approach to support transparent, efficient, and secure government procurement.  

The F2 platform represents a new generation of Commercial-off-the-Shelf (COTS) products, complete, fully integrated, and built for government. Out-of-the-box, F2 offers all the necessary functionality, fully integrated and ready-to-run, needed to support government work. This includes communication, case processing, and compliance, as well as process support. Furthermore, all functions can be easily adapted for individual government entities using built-in configuration tools.

In contrast to traditional large IT projects, leveraging standard software offers governments a fast track to digital transformation at scale. The PoC project in Nigeria exemplifies how cBrain, by using the F2 COTS product, can deliver functional solutions at high speed and quality.

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